Saturday, October 10, 2009

Drink Water To Lose Weight

Your body needs water to survive. Drinking water helps to maintain some of the most important bodily functions. Drinking water as part of your weight loss plan is highly recommended by diet professionals. This article will tell you how drinking water can help you to lose weight.
Your metabolism depends on water to work properly. The simple processes of digestion and and converting food into energy is severely disrupted if you do not drink enough water. When you start to dehydrate the bodys natural mechanisms begin to slow down and start to go into survival mode. Your metabolism begins to slow and which in turn means you are not burning off calories, this in turn leads to weight gain.
Many health professional recommend that two litres of water are consumed on a daily basis. It is estimated that the body lose this much water through urination, sweating and the general use of water by the body.
Water can also play a significant part in your weight loss program. Weight loss experts and dieticians recommend that drinking a tall glass of water half an hour before each meal can make you want to eat less. Water takes up a large area of the stomach and this tells the brain that your stomach is not empty thus reducing the need to eat more.
Fortunately you don't have to restrict your intake to water, (lets face it water is a bit bland) you can get your daily intake of fluid from fruit juices, herbal tea's and coffee in moderation. Alcohol I'm afraid is off limits as alcohol dehydrates the body.
So in conclusion, water is a beneficial resource that helps your body to be healthy and work properly. Using water in your weight loss program will help you to reach the weight loss goal you are looking for.
If you are struggling to lose weight or are just looking for some advice. You can read more about weight loss and dieting by visiting
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