Saturday, September 26, 2009

Health and Fitness Help That Gives You Consistent Weight Loss That is Easy to Achieve

Health and Fitness Help That Gives You Consistent Weight Loss That is Easy to AchieveBy []H Woolston
If you were to tell me that you wanted to drop a few pounds over a few weeks to look good for a special occasion then I'd be able to tell you that this is not that hard to achieve. But, if you want to lose weight more consistently over time I'd have to say that you might find this harder. So would I.
You want to know a secret about losing weight that most diet companies and fitness experts won't tell you? It's boring.
Sure, the buzz you get when you start is fantastic. There's no better feeling in the world than when you get motivated to lose weight and can actually feel and see the pounds disappearing.
This isn't just about your own mental motivation, you understand. You're also motivating your body to lose weight for itself by giving it healthier stuff to eat and/or making it work out. Problem is, after that first few weeks, both you and your body will be bored with what you're doing.
Your body will start to compensate for the efforts you're making and it probably won't have to work as hard after a few weeks as it did when you gave it that initial weight loss shock. You may maintain the new weight you've achieved but your body won't be able to burn off any more fat in such a spectacular way.
And maybe you'll start to get a bit down about it all. After all it's fine eating nothing but cabbage soup or driving yourself close to dying at the gym every day when your body rewards you by dropping a pound or two on a regular basis. How many weeks or even days do you think you can keep it up when your body settles into your new routine and refuses to lose any more weight?
If you are like many people in this situation then you'll just give up. Hard work that is not rewarded turns us off and it is easy to just think that your campaign to lose weight is not working any more because it is too hard to stick with over time. So, you'll probably drop the gym visits and start eating badly again. The pounds will come back on and you'll be right back where you started.
But, you can get round this hurdle. If you can find a health and fitness program that keeps you and your body motivated then you won't notice this dip after a few weeks. What you need is a health and fitness solution that prods your body out of complacency every time it gets used to something you're doing. That way you'll see both great short term results and better long term ones.
If you want some helpful suggestions then take a look at some of the solutions suggested at The ideas presented there might just help get your body working to lose weight fast for you and lessen your cravings during the process!
In addition you'll be able to sign up for our short email course - The Four Hidden Mysteries Of Successful Weight Loss where you can learn why some people CAN easily lose weight, and some people can't - and how you can become one of the CAN-LOSE-WEIGHT people!
H Woolston
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